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~ interview with Margaux Dereume : creator of FYU PARIS' crabbing print


You have a degree in visual arts and textile design, where does this passion for art come from?

I grew up with a mother who drew a lot, and who introduced me to art at a very young age through books that caught my curiosity. It has always been part of my daily life, as a child I could draw for hours on end, and then I started to develop my own culture during my studies, notably through the discovery of contemporary art. 

How do the different stages of the creation of a print proceed?

Generally, there is often a starting color atmosphere, I also try to define shapes and a global spirit, a desired style before launching into hand tests, often with ink. 
But I also like to do a thorough iconographic research before I start. 

You come from “la Croix Valmer”, what remains of this summer childhood in your drawings and prints?

A lot haha, I think you can feel it quite well, nature and Provence still have a strong influence on my work even if I also like to work in a more abstract, cold and less figurative way.

You who handle color extremely well, which one defines you the best? 
Thank you very much!
At the moment I have an obsession with burnt chocolate associated with a deep purple. 

Which artists from the past and present influence you the most?
Nature before artists to be honest, but I can't deny that Matisse had a strong influence on my work. 

Who would you like to spend an evening alone with?
With Charlotte Perriand without hesitation! She is a person whose ideas and aesthetics touch me. But also with Christo and Jeanne Claude, and Martin Margiela. 

Your favorite piece in the "Summer memories" collection?
The floral shirt with chocolate and vanilla print 

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